This is my first time doing the TTT, which is hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. When I saw the topic for this Tuesday I thought how fun! Then I thought oh my how do I choose only 10 places when there are so many! Anyway, here are my top 10 places, real and fictional because don’t we all wish some fictional places were real?!
1) Hogwarts from Harry Potter. I just think how much fun would it be to go to a school for magic, of course be nice to not have the whole Voldemort thing going on. Taking a field trip to Hogsmeade and going to all the shops in Diagon Alley.
2) Wonderland from Alice in Wonderland. Again what a fun place to go. Where things you would never imagine are real, how about a horsefly?! Just all of it would be so fun to be apart of and just have fun and be crazy and have some tea with the Mad Hatter.
3) Kingdom of Wisdom from The Phantom Tollbooth. This was my favorite book as a kid, and to this day I love it. There is also a movie which makes it even more real to think about what it would have been like to be in that place. How about having a dog that is run by a clock as your traveling buddy?!
4) Scotland from Outlander. I mean I have wanted to visit Scotland for awhile but the more I read the series the more I want to visit. Definitely wouldn’t want to be there during the wars in the book, but would be fun to see old Scotland and then present day Scotland.
5) Narnia from The Chronicles of Narnia. Can you imagine stepping through your wardrobe and finding a whole new world?! I think Narnia would be such a fun place to visit and meet all the different characters that are there and visit all of the different places. Especially Cair Paravel!
6) Victorian London from Veronica Speedwell Series. I say specifically Victorian because I want to see what it was like back then and get to wear the fun pretty dresses. I would however like it to be also the fantasy Victorian London from The Night Circus so that I could go see this cool circus they make.
7) Alicante from The Mortal Instruments. I think it would be fun to see the city of glass and where the Nephilim come from. You also get to see how beautiful it is and Lake Lynn.
8) New Orleans from Interview With a Vampire. It would be fun to see New Orleans as it is now and also how it was in the story when vampires roamed around and things were different.
9) Troy from The Illiad. I would love to see Troy to know what it really was like and not what we think it was. I also love ancient history so just to be able to be around and see what it was like back then.
10) The Oasis from Ready Player One. I would not want the world to be how it was during this book, but man to be able to be in a world like the Oasis where you can act out scenes from your favorite movies or just be anyone you want to be.
Well there are tons of other places that seem fun, it was hard to choose and I might pick differently on some on other days but these are what I am feeling right now.
Where are places you would visit? Or go in the opposite direction and where would you not visit?

We had several answers in common this week!
My Top Ten Tuesday post.
The Oasis made my footnotes. I don’t know why I didn’t think of Scotland or Narnia for my list. 
My TTT: http://books.thetechchef.net/top-ten-tuesday-51-places-mentioned-in-books-that-id-like-to-visit/