2019 Challenges

28 08, 2019

    AtoZ/Alphabet Title & Author Reading Challenges – 2019

    2021-01-01T17:35:50-07:00August 28th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

    Book Title Author A A B B C C - Caitlin Murray D - A Dangerous Collaboration D - Deanna Raybourn E E - Emily Duncan F F - Fiona Barton G G H - Hearts Abroad H I I J J - Jo-Ann Carson K K - Karen Rose L L M - Midnight Magic M N - The National Team N - Nadine Brandes O- Oceans Away O P P- Phaedra Patrick Q Q R - Romanov R S - The Suspect S - Skye McNeil T - Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy T - Trenton Lee Stewart U U V V - Victoria Aveyard W - War Storm W X X Y Y Z Z

    1 07, 2019

      Dancing With Fantasy & Sci-Fi Reading Challenge – 2019

      2020-01-02T19:29:35-07:00July 1st, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

      Fantasy (Complete & You're a Fire Breathing Dragon)Classic FantasyMagic SchoolTales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra ClareNecromancersPTSDDragonsFairytell (Retelling)GrimdarkGhostsUncommon Fantasy CreaturesShapeshiftersGodsWicked Saints - Emily DuncanAnimal CompanionsMaternal HeritageSet in Our WorldMidnight Magic - Jo-Ann CarsonWitchesMagical Law EnforcementRomanov - Nadine BrandesThiefPiratesPortal FantasyWarriorSci-Fi (Completed & You're a Robot)On a Different PlanetUtopiaSpace ShipSteampunkTime TravelArtificial Intelligence POVProto Sci-FiHiveAlienVirtual RealitySuper PowersWar Storm - Victoria AveyardScienceReplicateSpace ColonizationMechaSpace Creatures/BeastsTeleportationSpace WesternThe MoonInvasionGeneric (Complete all 3 & You're a Dragon Breath RobotSatireUnder 500 PagesOver 800 PagesNovellaFinish a SeriesMental HealthDisabilityPublished before 1990Set if AfricaLibraryBy a Woman of ColorOne word TitleMiraculum - Steph Post

      30 04, 2019

        Calendar of Crime 2019

        2020-01-02T19:29:35-07:00April 30th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

        January:February: My Lovely Wife - Samantha DowningMarch: A Dangerous Collaboration - Deanna RaybournApril: The Hummingbird Dagger - Cindy AnsteyMay:June:July: The Suspect - Fiona BartonAugust:September: Say You're Sorry - Karen RoseOctober: Hypnotic Love - Patricia CatacalosNovember: The Library of Lost & Found - Phaedra PatrickDecember:

        11 04, 2019

          Around the Year in 52 Books – 2019

          2020-01-02T19:29:35-07:00April 11th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

          A book that was nominated for or won an award in a genre you enjoyA book with one of the 5 W's in the title (Who, What, Where, When, Why)A book where the author's name contains A, T, and YWar Storm - Victoria AveyardA book with a criminal character (ie. assassin, pirate, thief, robber, scoundrel, etc.)A book by Shakespeare or inpired by himA book with a dual timeline2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #1Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra Clare2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #2A book from one of the top 5 money making genres (romance/erotica, crime/mystery, religious/inspirational, science fiction/fantasy, or horror)Hearts Abroad - Skye McNeilA book featuring a historical figureA book related to one of the 12 Zodiac Chinese animals (title, cover, story)A book about reading, books, or an author/writerThe Library of Lost & Found - Phaedra PatrickA book that is included on a New York Public Library staff pick listA book with a title, subtitle, or cover relating to an astronomical termA book by an author from a Mediterranean country or set thereA book told from multiple [...]

          2 04, 2019

            52 Books in 52 Weeks – 2019

            2020-01-02T19:29:35-07:00April 2nd, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

            A book published in 2019The Suspect - Fiona BartonAn author you've never heard of beforeHearts Abroad - Skye McNeilA book you've read beforeA book with a strong female leadA Dangerous Collaboration - Deanna RaybournA playA book set in Southern USAA memoire on someone you admireSet in the Victorian EraA character with a career you wish you hadA plant on the coverPublished the year you graduated schoolA graphic novelFeaturing musicAn ugly coverA teen as the main characterThe re-telling of a well-known storySet during a holidayA book picked out for you by someone elseGothic fiction novelA book about time-travelA title that starts with the letter JFantasy novelTales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra ClareTrue crime novelA self-published bookHypnotic Love - Patricia CatacalosThe name of a color in the titleA one word titleRomanov - Nadine BrandesA book that makes you madA book that discusses mental health A book published by Harper CollinsWar Storm - Victoria AveyardAn author who uses initialsA book that everyone is talking aboutA westernA book about a cultNominated for (but didn't win) the 2018 Goodreads choice awardsA sports related bookThe National Team - Caitlin MurrayA humorous novelSet in South AmericaAn allegorical [...]

            23 02, 2019

              Ragdoll Reading Challenge

              2020-01-02T19:29:35-07:00February 23rd, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

              A funny bookA family members favorite bookBook with a real city in the titleBook you've been meaning to readA "Random Number" bookMemorable BookBook whose author shares your initialsBook with a strong female leadSay You're Sorry - Karen RoseBook everyone else seems to loveSpooky BookBook that takes place at seaTop 10 of 2019 BookWildcardTales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra ClareBook with no romanceThe National Team - Caitlin MurrayBook you wouldn't normally readA "free" bookThe Hummingbird Dagger - Cindy AnsteyA "classic" bookBook or author with an alliterative nameTranslated bookBook with a terrible coverBook over 500 pagesBook set in the pastA Dangerous Collaboration - Deanna RaybournA book by a P.O.C. or LGBTQIA+ authorBook you've never heard ofHearts Abroad - Skye McNeilWildcardThe Library of Lost & Found - Phaedra PatrickBook that passes the Bechdel testA non-fiction bookScience fiction bookA young adult bookThe Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee StewartA graphic novelBook about spies, crimes, or politicsBook about aliens, warriors, cowboys, or piratesBook with a color in the titleBook by a female authorWicked Saints - Emily DuncanBook with an element in the titleAward winning book or authorBook that will teach you a skillBook with animals, [...]

              4 02, 2019

                Golden Trio Reading Challenge – 2019

                2020-01-02T19:29:35-07:00February 4th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

                Harry: (re)Read a Harry Potter BookRon: Read a book under 200 pagesHermione: Read a book over 500 pagesGinny: Read a poetry bookLuna: Read a book about creativity or something unusualFred & George: Read a book with twins in itFleur: Read a book translated from another languageDumbledore's Army: Read a book about social justice or a current issueMcGonagall: Read a book with a strong female leadSay You're Sorry - Karen RoseDumbledore: Read a book involving a school or teacherThe Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee StewartLockhart: Read a book from a celebrity book clubUmbridge: Read a book with a pink coverSnape: Read a book that includes page 394Newt: Read a book containing a fantastic beast (any beast that can be found in the Fantastic Beats textbook)Bathilda Bagshot: Read a book written by a womanHearts Abroad - Skye McNeilGodric: Read a book that represents Gryffindor's valuesWicked Saints - Emily DuncanHelga: Read a book that represents Hufflepuff's valuesA Dangerous Collaboration - Deanna RaybournRowena: Read a book that represents Ravenclaw's valuesTales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra ClareSalazar: Read a book that represents Slytherin's valuesWar Storm - Victoria AveyardThe Chosen One: Read a book that [...]

                22 01, 2019

                  Monthly Motif 2019 Reading Challenge

                  2020-01-02T19:29:36-07:00January 22nd, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

                  January-New to you author: Midnight Magic - Jo-Ann Carson February-Cover love (judge a book by its cover): A Treacherous Curse - Deanna Raybourn March-Royalty, Kingdoms, Empires, Government (Character involved in a ruling/governing body in some way) War Storm - Victoria Aveyard April-Crack the Case (Mystery, True Crime, Cozy Mystery, etc.) My Lovely Wife-Samantha DowningM May-One Sitting Reads (Graphic Novel, Comic Book, Short Story, Essay, etc.) Sherlock Vol. 1 - A Study in Pink - Mark Gatiss June-Diversify Your Reading (Character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, sexual orientation, different than yourself, or a culture you want to learn about) Lord of Shadows - Cassandra Clare July-Through the Years (Time Travel, a book with a time setting, historical fiction/nonfiction, or book published in birth year) The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - Stuart Turton August-Mode of Transportation (Mode of transportation plays a role in the story ie. Murder on the Orient Express) September-Animal, Number, Color, Name (One of those things needs to be in the title) October-Tricks & Trades (Book set in a theater, an amusement park, a circus, or a book involving magic, illusions, or characters with [...]

                  7 01, 2019

                    Read Harder 2019

                    2020-01-02T19:29:36-07:00January 7th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

                    A epistolary novel or collection of lettersAn alternate history novelRomanov - Nadine BrandesA book by a woman and.or AOC that won a literary award in 2018A humor bookA book by a journalist or about journalismA book by an AOC set in or about spaceAn #ownvoices book set in Mexico or Central AmericaAn #ownvoices book set in OceaniaA book published prior to Jan. 1, 2019 with fewer than 100 reviews on GoodreadsMidnight Magic - Jo-Ann CarsonA translated book written by and/or translated by a womanA book of mangaA book in which an animal or inanimate object is a point-of-view characterA book by or about someone that identifies as neurodiverseA cozy mysteryA book of mythology or folkloreAn historical romance by an AOCA business bookA novel by a trans or nonbinary authorA book of nonviolent true crimeA book written in prisonA comic by an LGBTQIA creatorA children’s or middle grade book (not YA) that has won a diversity award since 2009A self-published bookHypnotic Love - Patricia CatacalosA collection of poetry published since 2014

                    7 01, 2019

                      Linz the Bookworm Reading Challenge – 2019

                      2020-01-02T19:29:36-07:00January 7th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

                      Level 1: Book of the Month ClubA book with a red coverThe Hummingbird Dagger - Cindy AnsteyRead a YA fictionThe Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee StewartA book under 300 pagesA book you got for freeReread the first book of a series you loveRead a book that takes place during the summerHearts Abroad - Skye McNeilA book whose title starts with the letter MMiraculum - Steph PostRead a romance novelOceans Away - Skye McNeilA book that has been turned into a TV Show or MovieA book with a title done in alliteration (ex. Pride & Prejudice)A New York Time's Best Seller (Past or Present)Free Space - Pick any bookWicked Saints - Emily DuncanLevel 2: Casual Reader ClubA book by John GrishamRead a Fantasy novelTales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra ClareRead a book with a color in the titleReread a book you have recommended to someone elseRead a detective novelA book with a number in the titleRead a book about dragonsRead a book published by Penguin Random HouseRead a book found on Project GutenbergA book about an artist (fictional or real)A book that was published in 1999Free space - Pick any [...]

                      4 01, 2019

                        POPSUGAR 2019 Reading Challenge

                        2020-01-02T19:29:36-07:00January 4th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

                        A book becoming a movie in 2019A book that makes you nostalgicA book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction)A book you think should be turned into a movieA book with a least one million ratings on GoodreadsA book with a plant in the title or on the coverA reread of a favorite bookA book about a hobbyA book you meant to read in 2018A book with "pop", "sugar", or "challenge" in the titleA book with an item of clothing or accessory on the coverHypnotic Love - Patricia CatacalosA book inspired by mythology, legend, or folkloreMiraculum - Steph PostA book published posthumouslyA book you see someone reading on TV or in a movieA retelling of a classicA book with a question in the titleA book set on a college or university campusA book about someone with a superpowerWar Storm - Victoria AveyardA book told from multiple character POVsA book set in spaceA book by two female authorsA book with a title that contains "salty", "sweet", "bitter", or "spicy"A book set in ScandinaviaA book that takes place in a single dayA debut novelMy Lovely Wife - Samantha DowningA book that's published in [...]

                        29 12, 2018

                          2019 Book Reading Challenges

                          2020-01-02T19:29:36-07:00December 29th, 2018|Tags: |4 Comments

                          This year to make my reading more fun, as well as make myself read more types of books I am going to participate in a few different reading challenges. I started out by finding the PopSugar one and then it just grew from there in finding all kinds of fun ones! I am hoping that some books will go across a few different challenges, but I have no expectation to complete them all, but instead just have fun with it and see what I can do! So here are my reading challenges I plan to participate in! POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Read Harder Challenge Linz the Bookworm Reading Challenge Calendar of Crime Dystopia Reading Challenge Dancing with Fantasy & Sci-Fi Cloak & Dagger European Reading Challenge Historical Fiction Reading Challenge Library Love Reading Challenge Monthly Motif Reading Challenge Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge Print Only Reading Challenge Crusin' Thru the Cozies Craving for Cozies AtoZ Reading Challenge Alphabet Soup - Author Reading Challenge Alphabet Soup - Author Reading Challenge NJM Book Challenge Golden Trio Reading Challenge 52 Books in 52 Weeks Around the Year in 52 Books Bookiary Reading Challenge Space Time Reading Challenge Ragdoll Reading Challenge Yeah I definitely went overboard but they all look so fun! I also am horrible at making decisions and I even cut down on some! Leave me a comment and let me know what ones you are participating in!

                          ARCS, Reviews, Products, and More

                          If anyone is interested in me reading an ARC and giving a review of their book I would love to be considered. I will provide an honest review and in a timely manner.

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