January 2022
Sing Me Forgotten
Rating: 3½ ♥'s | I have always enjoyed The Phantom of the Opera story and when I read the description I thought oh my is this a retelling of it?! Yes, it was, just gender-switched...
2022 Reading Challenges
Happy 2022! Here we go again time for a new year of book reading and book challenges! Yet again I have more than I am sure I can finish, [...]
October 2021
The Dead of False Creek (Journal Through Time Mysteries #1)
Rating: 3 ♥'s | I thought overall this was a fairly good start to a series. The premise is unique and I liked the idea a lot. You get a lot of dual timeline novels but you don't really see them intersecting like they do in this one.
September 2021
The Heiress Gets A Duke (The Gilded Age Heiresses #1)
Rating: 4 ♥'s | I was instantly hooked from the beginning of this book. I love that August sneaks into a boxing match and that she kisses the main contender (aka The Duke!).
June 2021
Where the Crawdad Sings
Rating: 4 ♥'s | This book was a lot of fun to read. I like that this was historical fiction and mystery but also just so much more to it. I loved how Kya learned all of this stuff about the environment and taught herself all of this stuff...
April 2021
Stolen Daughters (Detective Amanda Steele #2)
Rating: 4 ♥'s | The book takes off not too long after the first book. Amanda is still dealing with what is going to happen with her mom's murder trial. We don't see much of that because right away Amanda is put onto a case of another serial killer.